Outside Support Groups

There are a lot of LGBTQ+ support groups to be found now, with meetings and get togethers so new friends can be made and a friendly ear or shoulder to lean on is always available.

Transliving magazine which I have been associated with is published every three months and is a good read with some interesting true stories of peoples transitions and advice.

Stonewall is a LGBT charity in the UK, and is now recognised as the largest organisation not only in the UK but in Europe.
They are offer a wide range of help, support and advice to all. I have added their website as a great place for you to visit to find out more.

Sparkle is a national Transgender charity, who not only offer support but organise a variety of events for people in the trans community. I have attended a few of their events in Manchester and would definitely recommend that if you can get there you wont be disappointed.

Mermaids UK offers a more specific support for family's, parents and young people in the trans community. This making sure that no matter who you are or at what stage you might be on your journey everyone is getting the support they need.

This is me social (TIMs)
Private Group with over 1.5K members